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Download Service for the cadatral land parcel boundaries maintained in the "Hellenic Cadastre" data base. The dataset refers to the land parcels that have been integrated into the "Operating Cadastre" system. They are updated periodically. The most recent updating date for each cadastral parcel is stored in its corresponding record of the beginLifespanVersion field. Information about using the service can be found in the user guide for the geoportal and the INSPIRE services of the “Hellenic Cadastre” https://www.ktimanet.gr/geoportal/HC_Geoportal_User_Guide.pdf
View Service for the cadastral land parcel boundaries maintained in the "Hellenic Cadastre" data base. The dataset refers to the land parcels that have been integrated into the "Operating Cadastre" system. They are updated periodically. The most recent updating date for each cadastral parcel is stored in its corresponding record of the beginLifespanVersion field.Information about using the service can be found in the user guide for the geoportal and the INSPIRE services of the “Hellenic Cadastre” https://www.ktimanet.gr/geoportal/HC_Geoportal_User_Guide.pdf.
INSPIRE download service provided by the Ministry for Environment and Energy providing access to Grid dataset with the habitats range for Directive 92/43
INSPIRE download service provided by the Ministry for Environment and Energy providing access to Grid dataset with the Habitat types distribution for Directive 92/43