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INSPIRE themes
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[INSPIRE] Polygon dataset of flood risk zones with high probability scenario (RZHP) for Directive 2007/60/EC.
Polygon dataset of flood hazard areas with medium probability scenario (HMP) for Directive 2007/60/EC.
Grid dataset with the birds range for Directive 2009/147
Grid dataset with the birds distribution for Directive 2009/147
Polygon dataset of flood hazard areas with low probability scenario (HLP) for Directive 2007/60/EC
Grid dataset with the Species range for Directive 92/43
Polygon dataset with the marine assessment units for Directive 2008/56.
The dataset contains data produced by the Ministry for Environment and Energy for the reporting cycle implementing Directives 2008/50 and 2004/107 on ambient air quality
[INSPIRE] Geospatial point data for Establishment of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register REGULATION (EC) No 166/2006.
[INSPIRE] Polygon dataset of flood risk zones with low probability scenario (RZLP) for Directive 2007/60/EC.