Type of resources
Available actions
INSPIRE themes
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Representation types
Grid dataset with the Species distribution for Directive 92/43
Grid dataset with the birds range for Directive 2009/147
They are habitats in a 10 km by 10 km grid as defined at European level, the center of the grid is determined by software and field work is carried out every 6 years by assignment in order to determine the habitat types. A relevant Report to the EU is prepared every six years. Grid dataset with the habitats range for Directive 92/43
Grid dataset with the Species range for Directive 92/43
They are habitats in a 10 km by 10 km grid as defined at European level, the center of the grid is determined by software and field work is carried out every 6 years by assignment in order to determine the habitat types. A relevant Report to the EU is prepared every six years.
Grid dataset with the birds distribution for Directive 2009/147